Dragon age origins sword of the beresaad
Dragon age origins sword of the beresaad

dragon age origins sword of the beresaad dragon age origins sword of the beresaad

You can come back and initiate battle with it any time after the Urn of Sacred Ashes quest is finished. Seeing as you'll be in melee as a rogue with Shale tanking, that will already put a lot of pressure for healing on Wynne, so I'd definitely recommend having your 4th be some kind of ranged character that can hopefully stay out of the way and not steal aggro.Īdditionally, you may want to consider grabbing Wade's Drakeskin Armor Set for yourself before you face the dragon, if you don't have it already. Alternatively, you could also use Leliana for additional ranged damage instead of Morrigan. I was assassin rogue main as well, with Wynne for healing, and I believe I had Morrigan for cold damage, which the dragon is weaker to. Get her equipped with some fire resistance crystals (Large Brilliant are the best) and she's quite the powerhouse, especially with Stoneheart as a skill. I would highly recommend using her because of that. Notice that Sten will be able to use this blade from now on and that it's going to be an ideal choice for his primary weapon.I ended up beating the High Dragon with Shale as a main tank because she is immune to the Dragon Bite of Doom (not the official name!), which is a one-hit kill for any other character. You may now return to camp and give your friend the sword as a gift. Once you've received a key check a small room in the back, open one of the crates and take Sten's sword ( M27, 27). If you don't want to return to the party camp you can purchase the blade or convince the dwarf yourself that he should give the item voluntarily ( persuasion, intimidation). The easiest way to get the sword would be to have Sten as an active member of your team, because he wouldn't have any problems convincing the dwarf to return his possession. Dwyn can be found in ( M27, 15) and there are three ways of retrieving the sword.

dragon age origins sword of the beresaad dragon age origins sword of the beresaad

Faryn will send you to talk to Dwyn and in exchange for not telling Sten about him you may convince him to give you a bribe. Start the conversation with him and don't forget to mention that the owner of the blade he stole is still alive.

Dragon age origins sword of the beresaad